Goals To Accomplish :

  • goalsTo concretely contribute to improve productivity by improving quality of manpower in various organisations.
  • To bring up professionalism by bringing up customer-orientation in various organisations.
  • To develop understanding between employers and employees by understanding them and their interactions.
  • To work upon various organisations in the direction of building up conducive CULTURE.
  • To keep learning without ignoring the need to improve ourselves as well.

       Means To Accomplish Goals :

  • Train the young graduates at the entry level of management openings through standardised professional training programmes designed by us. These programmes will be continuously updated. Through these, we will attempt to equip the young entrants thoroughly with the pre-requisites of professional environments that they step into.
  • Train the existing manpower of various organisations to enable them learn, improve and apply for further growth.
  • Take up recruitment procedures from industries, use scientific selection procedures, train the selected ones for specific job profiles as described by organisations.
  • Design, manufacture and market our own publications, questionnaires, survey sheets for specific practical need, paper & pencil test, business games, etc. in the field of education and training.
  • Design and develop a unique Transformation Resort to cater to various transformational requirements of individuals & Organisations from all over the world.